Scoring and Reporting
English learners with the most significant cognitive disabilities—a historically underserved subgroup of English learners—deserve a scoring system that accounts for their individual communication methods and experiences. To this end, we have designed a scoring model that is reliable, valid, and fair for this group of students.
The Alt ELPA summative results summarize two modalities: receptive skills (listening, reading) and productive communication (speaking, writing), with modality scores, domain scores, and an overall proficiency score. Proficiency is determined by the pattern and level of performance across the four domains, emphasizing how the language domains interact. Students can be proficient with multiple domain exemptions, allowing all students to demonstrate their skills using the English language.
Alt ELPA summative student reports summarize and clarify student performance in the receptive and productive modalities that represent the domains of listening, reading, speaking, and writing. These reports—available for districts, schools, and individual students—are used to inform instructional supports for students, as well as evaluate overall program effectiveness. Like the ELPA21 student reports, the Alt ELPA student reports feature user-friendly language and graphics, giving parents/guardians and educators a clear and meaningful overview of what students know and can do with the English language. Click here to view an example of the Alt ELPA summative student report. For more information on how to interpret Alt ELPA student reports, please see the Parent Guide to Alt ELPA Student Reports, available in 11 languages, or the Quick Guide to Understanding Alt ELPA Student Reports for Educators.