The ELP Standards

The ELP Standards provide a framework for English learners to acquire the content knowledge and English proficiency needed for school success. These standards correspond to states’ college- and career-ready standards, and reflect a shift in focus from language possession to language use within the content areas.


How ELP Standards
have improved

Communication Over Correctness

While previous ELP standards focused on grammar and vocabulary attainment as the primary indicators of English language proficiency, ELPA21’s standards focus on receptive, productive, and interpretive English language skills. These standards consider the correctness of grammar and spelling as secondary to the overall function of language.

Group 5387

Organization of the Ten ELP Standards

The ten ELP Standards are organized according to how language skills relate to English language arts, math, and science standards across six grade bands. The ELPA21 standards give teachers, curriculum developers, and states flexibility on how best to reach each standard and descriptor.
